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Matt's Interview

Hollywood Buzz

I, the infamous, Lexie Staz have just been hired by Hollywood Buzz and my first assignment is to write a special feature on Maude Laurent. I have to interview all Maude's friends and family.

Matt, who's still holding a

silly grudge against me for doing my job, accepted to be interviewed only after I hounded his voicemail for three days straight.

Lexie Staz: Thanks so much for accepting to be interviewed by Hollywood Buzz. We’re happy to have you here with us.

Matt: I’m happy to be here, too. Besides, I prefer answering questions than having other people spread rumors about me (laughs).

Lexie Staz: Hmm, you’re not talking about me, now, are you?

Matt: Of course not Lexie (laughs). I know how much authenticity is important to you.

Lexie Staz: That’s very true. I also love scoops! And I heard you lived with the Baldwins for a while. What was that like?

Matt: It was one of the best times of my life!

There were as many guys as there were girls under one roof. Let’s just say, TV nights were a nightmare. By the time a decision was made, the shows we were fighting to watch were already over (laughs).

Lexie Staz: Or maybe, this is just a suggestion, you could’ve just bought another TV?

Matt: The Baldwins don’t want us to spend too much time in front of a screen. They’d rather we spend time developing our creativity.

Lexie Staz: I’m not surprised. Did you have chores?

Matt: Everyone participated in house chores, but some more than others. Jazmine took forever to do her chores so Cynthia ended up doing her sister's share in addition to her own. Ben usually played the ‘little brother card’ to get out of his. I did my share… most of the time (laughs).

Lexie Staz: I’m sure you had better things to do. Like all those parties you used to go to. You’re in a stable relationship with Maude Laurent now. Tell me, what do you like most about Maude?

Matt: There are a lot of things obviously. Perhaps, what I love most are her eyes. They're very expressive. I can tell what she's thinking just by looking at them.

Lexie Staz: Now I have to ask: what do you dislike most about Maude?

Matt: Her smile. It’s so beautiful it makes me do things I usually hate doing. Like visiting museums.

Lexie Staz: You and Maude travel a lot. Paris, Milan, Berlin, London. Which city would you like to visit with Maude next?

Matt: Seoul in South Korea. I’m sure she’d love it! I know I did.

Lexie Staz: Will you be releasing a new album?

Matt: I never stop working. It’s vital for me to produce new material whether I’m working with other artists or whether I’m creating my own music.

Lexie Staz: Here’s a fan question by Wattpader Nerdy_Unicorn23: If there was one thing that NO ONE knew about you- including Maude, what would it be?

Matt: Hmm, maybe I should hold on to this secret a little while longer (laughs). I’ve never told anyone, but I will do so now. Even if I know Maude will mercilessly make fun of me when she hears this.

I slept with Huggy, my teddy bear, until I was thirteen. In fact you may still find him in a special toy case I keep under my bed.

Lexie Staz: Hmm… Interesting note to end on. Thank you for participating! It’s always such a pleasure to work with you.

Matt: Thank you, Lexie and to all Hollywood Buzz readers for keeping my secret.

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